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What are the Alternatives to Viagra?

Viagra (sildenafil) is a popular blue pill for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Although the drug has proven its highest efficacy, there are many alternatives to Viagra, including non-drug ones.

What are the Alternatives to Viagra_

Medicinal alternatives to Viagra

Oral forms

Let’s start with the closest “relatives” of Viagra, which are also available in oral forms (tablets, capsules). These are other representatives of PDE-5 inhibitors:

  • Vardenafil (Levitra). This drug can be combined with fatty food or a small amount of alcohol. The maximum effect occurs within 1 hour after administration and lasts up to 7 hours;
  • Tadalafil (Cialis) has a much longer longer action. Take 1 pill 1 hour before the planned sexual activity and stay active for up to 36 hours;
  • Avanafil (Stendra). The effect comes faster. The action of avanafil develops within 15-30 minutes after administration and lasts for 6 hours.

Injections and suppositories

Alternatives to Viagra and other PDE-5 inhibitors include:

  • Intracavernous injections (injections in the penis). Some drugs, including papaverine, alprostadil and phentolamine, are injected into the base of the penis with a syringe. The procedure helps to achieve an erection within 40 minutes after administration;
  • Urethral suppositories. With the help of an applicator, special thin suppositories (suppositories) with alprostadil are introduced into the urethra. The effect of an unpleasant procedure occurs within 10 minutes and lasts up to 1 hour;
  • Testosterone injection. Testosterone replacement therapy sometimes solves sexual problems. Testosterone increases the level of the male sex hormone, stimulates libido and contributes to the achievement of an erection. This method is only indicated for men with low testosterone levels. There are a lot of contraindications.
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Natural Viagra

Here is a small list of foods that increase potency and work like Viagra:

  • pine nuts;
  • pomegranate juice;
  • dark chocolate;
  • bananas;
  • avocado;
  • oysters;
  • Watermelon;
  • asparagus;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • chili pepper;
  • garlic;
  • ginger;
  • almond;
  • coconut water.

There also herbs that increase potency:

  • narrow-leaved fireweed;
  • thyme;
  • Mondia whitei, roots of an African plant;
  • maca, the root vegetable from Peru;
  • Yohimbine, a West African tree bark;
  • dill;
  • Tribulus terrestris;
  • stinging nettle;
  • Ginkgo biloba, herb from a Chinese tree;
  • horny goat weed, or epimedium;
  • musli, or Chlorophytum borivilianum;
  • saffron, or Crocus sativus;
  • Panax ginseng, a Chinese and Korean herb.

Healthy lifestyle: the best alternative to Viagra

Sometimes the wrong lifestyle is the only cause of sexual problems. Studies show that in some cases, erectile dysfunction can be cured by making an effort and getting rid of bad habits. Tips for men with erectile dysfunction who want to replace Viagra with a healthy lifestyle:

  1. Eat a balanced diet. The use of large amounts of bioflavonoids contributes to the preservation of sexual activity in men of middle and young age. Eat more blueberries, currants, strawberries, citrus;
  2. Control weight. Overweight or obesity is extremely negative for erectile function and sexual desire;
  3. Train your body. Regular physical activity has a positive effect on the sexual sphere in three ways: it improves blood circulation, reduces stress levels and contributes to maintaining a normal weight;
  4. Quit smoking. According to recent studies, the number of cigarettes smoked by a man is inversely proportional to the quality of sex life. Smoking cessation helped millions of men forget about erectile dysfunction;
  5. Avoid drugs and alcohol. The abuse of alcohol and drugs negatively affects sexual well-being;
  6. Take care of your nerves. Any psycho-emotional problems can affect your sexual drive and erectile function. Control stress and seek help from a psychotherapist in critical situations.
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Remember: erectile problems should be solved with the help of a doctor!

Category: General Issues
Tags: erectile dysfunction drugs, erectile dysfunction treatment, sildenafil, Viagra