For Your Medical Needs

How Do You Get Medical Marijuana?

How Do You Get Medical Marijuana

In the USA, you can buy medical cannabis at a pharmacy by prescription at some specialized pharmacies or clinics. The sale of legal cannabis has long been turned into a profitable business. For example, in 2017, the US states, which have permission to obtain cannabis by prescription in pharmacies, helped out almost 8 billion euros in this way. At the same time, Canada is still the largest producer of legal marijuana in the world. A business related to the cultivation, harvesting, processing, packaging, and distribution of hemp, is put there in a big way.

How to get cannabis on prescription: guidelines for patients

First of all, it is important to find a doctor who can prescribe cannabis-based medicines. The doctor decides whether the use of cannabis makes sense in a particular case. The main indications for this include:

  • there is a serious illness;
  • for your case, there is no generally accepted, medical standard-compliant alternative to a drug containing cannabis;
  • cannabis may have a positive effect on the course of the disease or severe symptoms;
  • the patient agrees with the anonymized transfer of data on the disease to the FDA.

The doctor assesses the situation and writes a prescription. After that, you can get medical cannabis at specialized medical clinics or pharmacies. Failure is possible only in exceptional cases and must be justified.

8 important aspects of getting a medical marijuana

Four years ago, the official sale of recreational marijuana was not allowed. Today the situation is different. Some states have legalized the use and sale of medical marijuana, and the state budget began to receive about 4.5 billion dollars in profits.

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Given the fact that laws have been adopted relatively recently, some legal aspects are inaccurate.

Express Pharmacy lists 8 aspects you need to know:

  1. In Oregon, Washington and Colorado, anyone 21 years old can buy weed. The permit has been open in Colorado and Washington since 2014, and in Oregon since October 2015;
  2. In Alaska and Washington, DC, individuals over the age of 21 are allowed to legally smoke marijuana. However, it is illegal to smoke in those states where it is not permitted by the law;
  3. In states where it is legal to sell and buy marijuana, there are still “black” markets, as it is cheaper. When sold in stores, marijuana is taxed. For example, in Colorado, the buyer will pay by 28 percent more in the store, in Washington – by 37 percent, in Oregon – by 20 percent;
  4. You can not smoke weed in public places.
Category: General Issues
Tags: human health, Marijuana